Strona: Journal publications and conferences / EDURES, Erasmus+, Ignacy Łukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology

Journal publications and conferences

Journal publications

  • Selected case studies regarding research-based education in the area of machine and civil assemblies
    Roman Wdowik; Paweł Litwin; Artur Bełzo; Artur Borowiec; Marek Magdziak; Barbara Ciecińska; Angelos Markopoulos; Bahman Azarhoushang; Faramarz Hojati
  • Research - based technology education – the EDURES partnership experience
    Roman Wdowik; Marek Magdziak; Andrzej Dzierwa; Barbara Ciecińska; Przemysław Podulka; Jolanta Litwin; Artur BełzoArtur Borowiec; Piotr Nazarko; Agnieszka Wiater; Angelos Markopoulos; Faramarz Hojati; Bahman Azarhoushang; Iryna Pushchak; Mariaelena Romanini
  • Future perspective and selected ideas how to shape research-based classes in higher education institutions (under review)
    Roman Wdowik, Marek Magdziak, Barbara Ciecińska, Artur Bełzo, Artur Borowiec,
    Piotr Nazarko, Natalia Bróż, Angelos Markopoulos, Faramarz Hojati, Bahman
    Azarhoushang, Iryna Pushchak and Mariaelena Romanini